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Forms to Secure Responsibilities for Kinship Children

It can be challenging to navigate all the forms for authorization of kinship responsibilities, particularly for grandfamilies and relatives who are caring for children outside of adoption scenarios. These include parental designation, power of attorney, and the caregiver affidavit. Below are links and information regarding these documents.

[Link to forms coming soon]

Parental Designation Form

When the child’s parent/s are unavailable or unable to make decisions about the child’s education and other primary needs, the parental designation form (or OCFS Designation of Person in Parental Relationship form) allows the grandparents or relative to make the decisions instead, listing them as a “designee.” This designation is limited to a certain period of time, as well as other specifications determined by the parent. To authorize the designation, the kinship caregiver and the biological parent/s need to sign the form and have it notarized.

California Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

Power of attorney is an assignment of parental, custody, or guardian rights that allows kinship caregivers to make major decisions for the child, including life-saving choices about medical care and mental health needs, when the biological parents are absent. Power of attorney is temporary and typically lasting for six months. It requires the approval of the biological parent/s, and parents can revoke power of attorney at any time by filing a different form. To transfer power of attorney, the kinship caregiver and the biological parents need to sign the form and have it notarized.

Find the form here.

Caregiver’s Authorization Affidavit

Some grandparents and relatives provide care for children but do not pursue legal guardianship for various reasons, including their relationship with the child’s biological parents, the amount of time the relative will be caring for the child, or limits on their permission for guardianship. A Caregiver’s Authorization Affidavit allows grandparents or relative caregivers to provide proof to the child’s school and to medical professionals that they are authorized to make relevant decisions for the child. The kinship caregiver needs to sign the authorization affidavit and have it notarized in order for it to be legally recognized. The parent does not need to sign the affidavit, but they have the right to cancel it. This arrangement is only valid while the child is living with the kinship caregiver. 

Find the form here

Dan Beeby

Dan Beeby

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Kinship Care CA